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Buenos Aires Sprievodcovia a mapy miest

Andrew Benson, Rosalba O'Brien
Rough Guides | 05/2008
Make the most of your time with The Rough Guide to Buenos Aires. Flick through the introduction for an overview on where to go and what to see, from cosmopolitan architecture and stunning mansions to long coffee klatches, where you can soak up this...
cena: 26.05 € (784.78 Sk)

Edícia: Travel Guides, 1st Edition 
Jazyk: GB 
Formát: 13×20 cm 
Počet strán: 320 str. / 24 máp / 32 obr. str. 
Dátum vydania: 05/2008 
ISBN: 9781843539964 
EAN: 9781843539964